
Mount Puntang

Mount Puntang an area that is well known as one of the ideal location for camping. Located in South London, Puntang mountain areas are often filled by young travelers who have an adventurous spirit. Scouts or Nature Lovers make this location a favorite destination for camping locations .. Nature Mount Puntang is precisely in the southern Bandung Bandung Regency Village Cimaung. is at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level with temperatures between 18 to 23 degrees celsius.

Mount Puntang also a historical tourist sites. In the Dutch colonial era, Mount Puntang be one basis of the Dutch command. In addition to the headquarters and the castle (which has now collapsed), in Puntang also unfortunately there are radio stations that had been severely damaged and can not be used again. At the time, around the radio transmitter is contained housing complex for employees of the radio, according to history, location of stations, township employees, led by Dr. Ir. C.J. de Groot (1923) former home office complexes that include tennis courts, swimming pools, shops, cinemas and even the ruins of the villages nearby field and radio are also two interesting cave, the cave is said to be made by the Dutch in 1940 and there is a possibility once the second cave interconnected.
Besides being able to enjoy the freshness of nature and the fresh mountain river water is very clear, visitors can also watch the animals and plants that make Mount Puntang as a tourist attraction filled with education, especially for sons and daughters who in his study. And Pegunjung with families can enjoy the leisure facilities Bougenvile are privately owned facilities such as theme park that provides two large pools for children and adults.

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